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Kleen-Rite 22046 Rubber Spray Gun Handle Guard - Black

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0.06 lbs
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A protector used with self-serve bay guns to protect it from damage. Rubber construction. Black color matches most spray gun handles.

Product Description

Spray Gun Protector

A spray gun handle shield designed to prevent the spray gun tip and handle from damage. When people place spray guns back in the holders with excessive force, it causes damage to handle, trigger guard. The spray tip incurs damage if it slams into the bottom of the holder which could lead to changes in its spray pattern which could affect performance. Made with black rubber. Used in self-serve bay spray guns.


  • Material: Rubber
  • Color: Black
  • Manufacturer: Kleen-Rite
  • Application: Self-Serve Bay Spray Guns
  • Weight: 0.06 lbs. 

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