Thermal valves protect pumps and pump seals from overheated fluids that can damage seals and shorten seal life. Install in pump systems utilizing a closed loop bypass line or internal bypass. When the temperature of the water in the bypass line reaches the preset temperature of the valve a small amount of hot water is released which is replaced by cooler supply water. This in turn lowers the temperature of the water in the bypass line thus signaling the valve to close. Specifications:
Inlet: 3/8" NPT
Max Inlet Pressure: 90 PSI
Max Flow: 10 GPM
Actuation Temperature: 140°F
Weight: 1.63 ounces
Closed Loop Bypass Line Systems:
For pumping systems whose bypass line is routed back to the pump inlet (closed loop), in-stallation of the thermal relief valve should be in this loop. By installing a "tee" in the bypass line the thermal relief valve can effectively be installed to detect heat build up during pump bypass. A hose should be attached to the end of the valve to direct the hot discharge water to a safe location.
Internal Bypass Pumps:
On pumps equipped with an internal bypass system, the thermal relief valve can be utilized by installing a "tee" at the inlet of the pump. The thermal relief valve can be placed in a branch of the "tee" where it will sense the increased water temperature. A hose should be attached to the end of the valve to direct the hot discharge water to a safe location.