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Kleen & Green Water Base Hydraulic Fluid 5 Gallon

Mfr. Model #:
KR Part #:
43.40 lbs
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Kleen & Green Water-Base Hydraulic Fluid transforms car wash hydraulics with a biodegradable, environmentally-friendly formula that performs in even the coldest conditions. Its vibrant green color is unique and makes leak detection easier, while its unique additives prevent sludge, boosting system efficiency and cooling. This fluid’s rapid biodegradability protects ecosystems, positioning it as a top choice for sustainable car wash operations.

Warning: DO NOT use with polyurethane seals, paper cartridge filters, or non-anodized aluminum.


Product Description

Eco-Friendly Water-Based Hydraulic Fluid - 5 Gallon Pail

Kleen & Green Water-Base Hydraulic Fluid embodies an environmentally-conscious water-based formula that distinguishes itself through its eco-friendly characteristics. The glycol in this fluid is a byproduct of making biodiesel, ensuring that the product supports sustainable industrial practices. Its green hue was intentionally selected to set it apart from traditional car wash hydraulic fluids, signifying its role in promoting sustainable solutions. Thanks to its green color, leaks in hydraulic lines are easy to detect. The fluid offers a consistency comparable to light syrup with a sweet amine odor. Kleen & Green maintains its ability to flow even in temperatures below freezing down to -47° F. Mineral-based hydraulic oils will thicken and become unmanageable in extremely cold temperatures. This capacity for cold-weather performance makes Kleen & Green a reliable choice for varied climatic conditions. Unlike other water-based car wash hydraulic fluids, it blends seamlessly with older water glycol systems, offering versatility and compatibility. Purified water is added to the formula to help manage viscosity, and enhance fire resistance. Together with its enhanced additive package, this oil-free environmentally-friendly formulation has been proven to eliminate sludge and varnish thus improving hydraulic system performance. As a result, this improves mechanical efficiency and heat transfer while also ensuring a cooler running system. This also significantly reduces the environmental footprint compared to traditional mineral oil fluids. This feature positions Kleen & Green as an innovative and sustainable choice in hydraulic fluids.

Eco-Friendly Formula

Traditional hydraulic fluids are not only toxic but are essentially non-biodegradable, which poses significant environmental risks. The environmental impact of fluid releases is considered hazardous, often necessitating HAZMAT reporting and, in some cases, HAZMAT callouts, underscoring the critical nature of such incidents. Mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids can severely compromise wastewater treatment processes if they reach effluent systems, easily overwhelming the natural degradation process. If allowed to reach wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes, or the ocean, it becomes a toxic threat to wildlife and the overall health of the ecosphere into which it is released. When released into the soil, traditional mineral oils can render the soil polluted and unusable, requiring often costly and extensive remedial actions, such as soil removal and incineration to prevent long-term damage.

In contrast, Kleen & Green distinguishes itself by being classified as a "readily biodegradable" fluid, which means it will degrade by 60% within 28 days of release, presenting a clear advantage in mitigating environmental impact. Compared to other car wash water glycol fluids, it degrades even more rapidly, offering enhanced sustainability benefits that align with eco-conscious industrial practices. This emphasizes its environmentally friendly credentials and positions Kleen & Green as a leading choice for minimizing ecological footprints in hydraulic fluid applications.

Features of Kleen & Green Hydraulic Fluid:

  • The unique green color highlights its eco-friendly biodegradable formula
  • Leaks in hydraulic lines are easy to see thanks to the green color
  • Environmentally conscious water-based formula
  • Degrades by 60% within 28 days of release
  • Glycol in the formula is derived as a byproduct of making biodiesel
  • Blends seamlessly with older water glycol systems
  • The pail holds 5 gallons of hydraulic fluid
  • Meets ANSI-B 93.5 Fire Resistant Requirements
  • Meets NFPA/T2.13.1 124-2007 Steady State Pressure Requirement
  • Do not use with polyurethane seals, paper cartridge filters, or non-anodized aluminum


  • Manufacturer Product Number: H1143KR5C
  • KR Product Number: KNG5
  • SKU / GTIN: 732009750203
  • Size: 5 Gallon Pail - (Also available as a 55-gallon drum)
  • Viscosity Index >200
  • Cinematic Viscosity: @ 40C (cST) 30.5
  • ISO 46
  • Weight: 43.40 lbs.
  • Specific Gravity: 1.0396

How to Install Kleen & Green:

  • Turn off the power pack power source. (Lockout / Tagout).
  • Remove the filler cap and screen.
  • Pump out all of the mineral oil hydraulic fluid from the reservoir into a suitable container.
  • Place an empty 5gal pail to capture draining oil when removing clean-out plugs.
  • Once the oil has completely drained replace clean-out plugs.
  • Replace the existing filter with a 10-micron fiberglass, hydraulic fluid filter.
  • Pump Kleen & Green into the empty reservoir leaving two inches from the top of the tank.
  • Disconnect the return line from the power pack and place the end into an empty 5-gal container (additional pails may be
    needed due to oil volume in the system).
  • Turn on the power pack and observe the fluid color being discharged from the return line, the fluid will begin to turn green.
  • Continue to run the power pack until the fluid is almost completely green.
  • Turn off the power pack and reconnect the return line to the power pack.
  • Fill the reservoir with Kleen & Green within 2 inches of the top of the tank.
  • Turn on the power pack and run for 10-15 minutes for leak inspection.
  • Turn off the power pack and remove the filler cap, top off with Kleen & Green so that the fluid level is within 2” of the top of the reservoir tank.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is Kleen & Green?

  • Kleen & Green is an Oxipropylene Blend hydraulic fluid, completely biodegradable.
  • This is an ideal formulation for environmentally sensitive applications.
  • It has superior heat transfer properties and is thermal/oxidation stable.

Does this formulation have water in it?

  • Less than 1%
  • What are the benefits of using this formulation compared to typical hydraulic fluids?
  • Better performance at lower operating temperatures eliminating the need for tank heaters.
  • This premium high-performance synthetic lubricant has increased oxidative stability, a high viscosity index at low pour points, and contains rust inhibitors for protection making it well suited for many industrial and manufacturing applications.

What is the ideal temperature for Kleen & Green?

  • The fluid was tested in 2010 by Clark Testing Services, LLC at temperatures of 127-147F at pressures up to 1400lbs pumps were run up to 1200 rpm. Ideal temperatures are between 32 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does the fluid get thicker when it gets hotter?

  • No, the fluid is designed to stay at ISO 46

Is this product safe with most motors & seals?

  • This product is compatible with standard seals including Viton. However, not recommended to be used with polyurethane seals, paper cartridge filters, or non-anodized aluminum.
  • Consult with hydraulic system OEM for compatibility.

What sizes does Kleen & Green hydraulic fluid come in?

Product Reviews

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CID: -1 QueryString:kleen-green-water-base-hydraulic-fluid-5-gallon| Runtime:falsep-4865.aspx/p-4865.aspxen-US2 AM1FalseUSDTrueen-USFalse0en-US48651FalseFalseproduct| LastCustomerReview:
This is great product!
Reviewed by charles  w
3/1/2023 9:16:04 AM