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40-024 Red Brass Long Pipe Nipple - 1/4 Inch MNPT, 3 Inch Length

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0.11 lbs
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This red brass long pipe nipple joins two sections of 1/4" NPTF-threaded pipe or hose, with gap in between. Threaded on end, with pipe length in between, it is perfect for joining two pipe sections that are slightly gapped, instead of having to re-cut or buy a new length of pipe. Tolerates high operating pressure and has a wide temperature range.

Technical Specifications

Inlet Port: 1/4 inch
Outlet Port: 1/4 inch

Product Description

Red Brass 1/4" Ends Pipe Nipple - 3" Length

Connect two pipes or hoses featuring 1/4" female NPTF ends seamlessly with the 40-024 long pipe nipple, with 1/4" male NPTF fully-threaded ends. 3 inch length of nipple allows you to span small gaps without replacing full pipe lengths. Features above-average vibration resistance, and is made for use in hydraulic systems, refrigeration systems, fuel and gas hookups, and more. Use with brass, bronze, copper, steel, aluminum, and iron pipe.
  • 1/4"-18  MNPT
  • Max PSI: 1200
  • Minimum Temperature: -65°F
  • Maximum Temperature: +250°F
  • Overall Length: 3"
  • Red Brass construction

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